
Thai Driver license

1. Original Affidavit of residence executed at your Embassy or consulate. (under 1 month old) If doing 2 licenses eg. car/motorbike then you can use a copy for the 2nd license.2. Non-immigrant visa.3. Passport4. Medical report from a doctor or hospital (under 1 month old & original ). About 20-50 baht cost.5. Your country driver's license to verify what license you hold (if not you take a test written multi choice & road test. If no bike or car you can rent). Watch the motorcycles as they have no brakes but the test is simple- a slalom through 5 poles.6. 2 photos size 1" X 1"7. fee baht 205 baht for a car license. motorcycle 105 baht
The Chiangmai drivers license centre has photo copy machines, laminating machines & photo stalls etc. tests go upstairs but the Help counter will direct you. Written tests start at 1pm & a motorcycle hiring fee is 10 baht. The tests are easy but the written is somewhat ambiguous. You must get over 15 out of 20 questions but if you fail just go back and do it again. You also have an eyesight test which is simple. If you have both motorcycle & car license from your country then do both licenses using copies for the second license otherwise you have to obtain another letter (original) from your embassy. The license is current for 1 year and following the year you have 365 days to renew or you will have to do the licenses all over again.
What you need: Passport & immigration copies, copy from Immigration, 4 small 1" photos which you can normally get out at the Registration Office for 90 baht & of course the forms & drivers license. You pay 60 baht for the license and they will receipt it then you go back in the afternoon next day to pick up. Go upstairs to window 203 then pay at 202 then collect at 203
Renewal will run 105 Baht. 3 Baht for three passport copies, 90 Baht for four (4) color pictures (two of which you can keep until next year) Drivers license renewal can take place in one day providing your are prepared to return in late afternoon to pick it up. Don't forget to bring your passport!


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